Q: What is a MMORPG?
A: MMORPG stands for massively multiplayer online role-playing game. In an MMORPG, thousands of players exist in the same game world at the same time. This creates an incredibly rich and active environment in which interesting things are constantly taking place.

Q: What is the objective of the game?
A: To build the largest town in terms of winning attacks, gaining citizens, and building a Kingdom.

Q: What forms of currency will there be?
A: Currently there is gold, stone, and wood. And in case you were wondering, there are a lot of things you can buy with your money: from buildings, to equipment, to soldiers, and mercenaries.

Q: How do I play?
A: A full game guide will be released when the beta version of Race Conflicts launches later , but browse below to find out some basic questions regarding gameplay.

Q: What are the system requirements for Race Conflicts?
A: Race Conflicts is played through your web browser. There is no downloading required. Race Conflicts plays best on a broadband connection and in 1024x768 resolution with Internet Explorer 5 or better, but will be playable on any resolution and internet connection.

Q: Can I play from any PC?
A: Yes, you can access your Race Conflicts account from any PC.

Q: Do I have to pay to play?
A: No, Race Conflicts is free for everyone.

Q: Are there plans for expansions and updates to Race Conflicts on a regular basis?
A: Yes, we are now working on implementing quests and random events.

Q: How will bug fixes and support for the game community be handled?
A: We have full time staff ready to address bug issues in the game. As soon as issues are known or reported, be assured that we are working on fixing them. Our goal is to make sure everyone has the best experience possible.

For more indepth FAQ about specific ingame questions follow the FAQ on the forum.